Open Enrollment Courses

Government Agency Procurement

Welcome, government agencies! We understand that your procurement process may differ from standard online payments. To streamline the enrollment of your employees in our courses, we’ve provided a simple process that allows you to submit purchase orders or SF-182 forms.

Enrollment Process:

  1. Course Selection: Begin by exploring our open enrollment course schedule to identify the training programs that align with your agency’s needs and objectives.

  2. Request Enrollment: Fill out the form below to request enrollment for your employees in the selected course(s). Please provide the following details:

    • Your Name and Agency: Enter your name and the name of your government agency.
    • Contact Information: Include your email address and phone number for communication.
    • Course Details: Specify the course title(s), date(s), and the number of employees you wish to enroll.
    • Attendee Details: Provide the full name and email address for each attendee for each course session
  3. Review and Confirmation: After receiving your enrollment request, our team will review the details and promptly respond to confirm your enrollment and provide any additional information.

Submission of Purchase Orders or SF-182 Forms:

To complete the enrollment process, you can submit either a purchase order or an SF-182 form. Here’s how:

  • Purchase Order: Generate a purchase order according to your agency’s procurement guidelines and include the course fees. ThenĀ complete the form below with the course details and upload your purchase order.

  • SF-182 Form: If your agency utilizes SF-182 forms for training requests, please complete the form below with the course details and upload your SF-182 form.

Open Enrollment Request Form

Confirmation and Access:

Once we receive your purchase order or SF-182 form, we will verify the information and ensure that your employees are properly enrolled in the selected course(s). Upon confirmation, we will provide access details to your enrolled employees, allowing them to begin their training journey.

Questions or Assistance:

If you have any questions or need further assistance with the enrollment process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team by visiting

Thank you for choosing us as your training partner. We look forward to helping your agency’s employees achieve their professional development goals.