Beyond Emotional Intelligence: How the New IQ is Shaping Inclusive Leadership

By Malcolm L. Miles, CEO

In the evolving landscape of modern leadership, emotional intelligence (EQ) is no longer just about understanding oneself or others—it’s about actively fostering inclusivity. The “new IQ” (Inclusivity Quotient) measures a leader’s ability to navigate and bridge differences in a diverse team, creating an environment where everyone feels valued. This post explores how leaders can leverage emotional intelligence not only to drive performance but also to cultivate a culture of belonging, where inclusivity becomes part of the organization’s DNA.

Understanding the “New IQ”

The Inclusivity Quotient (IQ) expands upon traditional emotional intelligence by focusing on the ability to create an inclusive atmosphere where diverse perspectives are appreciated and harnessed. While emotional intelligence emphasizes empathy and self-awareness, the new IQ adds the layer of inclusivity, which requires leaders to not only understand and manage emotions but to also actively promote an environment where diversity thrives.

  1. Empathy as a Pathway to Inclusivity
    • Empathy remains at the core of emotional intelligence, but it takes on a new role within the inclusivity quotient. Leaders with high empathy not only understand the feelings of their team members but also use that understanding to ensure each individual feels respected and heard. This becomes especially important in diverse workplaces, where team members come from different cultural, social, and experiential backgrounds.
  2. Self-Awareness to Recognize Bias
    • Self-awareness in inclusive leadership means understanding one’s own biases and taking steps to mitigate them. Leaders who score high on the new IQ are constantly evaluating their own behavior, acknowledging unconscious biases, and actively working to ensure they don’t affect their leadership. This commitment to self-awareness and growth fosters an environment of trust and openness.

Building Inclusive Leadership with the New IQ

  1. Creating Safe Spaces for Open Communication
    • Leaders with a high inclusivity quotient focus on building environments where team members feel safe to share their ideas, concerns, and perspectives. This requires more than just being approachable; it involves actively soliciting input from quieter voices and creating spaces where all opinions are respected. An inclusive leader doesn’t just wait for feedback—they actively create opportunities for it.
  2. Managing Diverse Teams with Empathy and Clarity
    • Leading a diverse team comes with its own set of challenges. Leaders who possess the new IQ use empathy to understand the unique needs of their team members, but they also pair this empathy with clear, consistent communication. They set clear expectations while allowing flexibility to accommodate different working styles, cultures, and communication preferences. This balance is key to maintaining cohesion in a diverse team.
  3. Driving Innovation through Diversity
    • A high inclusivity quotient allows leaders to see diversity not just as a checkbox but as an opportunity for innovation. Diverse teams bring unique perspectives that can lead to creative solutions and new ideas. Leaders who encourage collaboration across different backgrounds and experiences can harness this diversity to drive performance and innovation.

The Benefits of Inclusive Leadership

  1. Higher Employee Engagement and Retention
    • When employees feel included, they are more engaged and motivated. Inclusive leadership builds a sense of belonging, which directly impacts employee satisfaction and retention. Leaders with a high inclusivity quotient are more likely to foster loyalty and commitment among their teams.
  2. Improved Team Performance
    • Teams led by inclusive leaders tend to perform better. Diversity of thought leads to better decision-making, and when everyone feels they have a voice, team collaboration improves. By fostering inclusivity, leaders can tap into the full potential of their teams, resulting in higher productivity and better outcomes.
  3. Enhanced Reputation and Attracting Top Talent
    • Organizations known for inclusivity and diversity tend to attract top talent. Inclusive leaders create a culture that appeals to individuals seeking workplaces where they can thrive regardless of their background. This not only improves the company’s reputation but also ensures that it draws in the best and brightest from a diverse talent pool.

How to Develop the New IQ

  1. Engage in DEI Training
    • Leaders looking to develop their inclusivity quotient should consider participating in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training programs. These programs provide practical tools and strategies to recognize and address bias, create inclusive work environments, and lead diverse teams.
  2. Seek Feedback and Self-Reflect
    • Inclusive leadership requires continuous growth. Leaders should actively seek feedback from their teams and engage in self-reflection to identify areas where they can improve. By acknowledging their blind spots and making the necessary adjustments, leaders can continually enhance their inclusivity quotient.
  3. Prioritize Open Communication
    • Open communication is essential to inclusive leadership. Leaders must create channels for regular feedback and be transparent about the steps they are taking to foster inclusivity within their teams. This shows a commitment to continuous improvement and reinforces a culture of openness and trust.


The new IQ is reshaping modern leadership by emphasizing the importance of inclusivity. Leaders who cultivate emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and empathy are better equipped to navigate the complexities of a diverse workforce. By prioritizing inclusivity, leaders not only enhance their teams’ performance but also create a workplace where everyone can thrive.

Ready to develop your leadership skills and embrace inclusivity? Explore our course, The New IQ, to learn how your team can lead with emotional intelligence and inclusivity.