Micro-Learning: A Modern Solution for Public Entities & Non-Profits Facing Time and Budget Constraints

Public entities and non-profits often grapple with time and budget limitations, making traditional training approaches difficult to implement. Micro-learning offers a streamlined and impactful alternative, allowing for continuous professional development without overwhelming resources. This bite-sized learning strategy delivers concise, targeted sessions focused on immediate needs, fitting seamlessly into demanding schedules while being cost-effective. Why Micro-Learning…

How Micro-Learning Supports Continuous Professional Development in Government Roles

Micro-learning has emerged as a powerful tool for continuous professional development, especially in government roles where time and efficiency are paramount. At JH Miles & Associates, Micro-Learning Sessions are specifically designed to address the need for concise, high-impact training that fits seamlessly into busy schedules. These sessions, lasting between 1 to 4 hours, deliver focused…

The ROI of Professional Training

Uncover the significant ROI professional training brings to organizations, enhancing productivity, revenue growth, and employee satisfaction over both the short and long term.