The Evolution of Corporate Training: Why External Programs Are Becoming Essential

By Malcolm L. Miles, CEO

External training programs offer countless benefits, such as exposure to industry experts, unique insights, networking opportunities, and motivation for continuous learning. This article presents a comprehensive overview of the rise of external training as a crucial aspect of corporate development strategies. We will examine the importance of aligning external training initiatives with organizational goals, customizing programs to address specific needs, collecting feedback for evaluation, and integrating external training with internal programs for a holistic learning approach. 

Corporate training has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Organizations are moving away from traditional internal programs and placing greater emphasis on external training. This shift signifies a broader redefinition of how organizations approach equipping their workforce with essential skills and knowledge, resulting in a significant reshaping of professional development strategies. It encompasses a variety of learning opportunities such as seminars, online courses, on-the-job training, coaching, and mentorship programs. All these initiatives are designed to enhance participants’ capabilities and competencies, enabling them to fulfill their job roles more efficiently. When successful, corporate training is advantageous for management and team members alike.

The Rise of External Training

While internal training remains crucial, external training has emerged as a powerful avenue for learning and development. Partnerships with external training providers offer exposure to diverse perspectives, cutting-edge practices, and industry trends that may not be readily available internally. External training also fosters collaboration and networking with professionals from various backgrounds, enriching the learning experience. Here’s why external development programs are becoming essential: 

  • Industry Experts: External trainers often specialize in specific subjects or industries, offering a depth of knowledge and expertise that may not be readily available internally. According to a Training Industry, Inc. report, 87% of organizations using external trainers say they do so to access specialized expertise and knowledge. Team members benefit from valuable insights into best practices and cutting-edge information that may have otherwise been out of reach. For instance, a specialist in information technology might provide training on relevant technical skills that align with evolving business demands. Whether it’s mastering the latest software, understanding complex regulations, or strengthening leadership skills, third party trainers bring valuable expertise to the table.
  • Unique Insights: Exploring external insights offers team members invaluable exposure to fresh perspectives, emerging trends, and innovative approaches that may have been overlooked by members of the organization. By introducing diverse ideas, cutting-edge practices, and alternative viewpoints, external training initiatives nurture creativity, stimulate critical thinking, and cultivate a more comprehensive understanding of specific industries. Training experts challenge the status quo, inspiring participants to push past their conventional boundaries and embrace novel ways of thinking and problem-solving. Through this collaborative exchange of knowledge and ideas, team members are empowered to adapt, innovate, and drive positive change within their organizations and beyond.
  • Networking Opportunities: External training events bring together professionals from various organizations, industries, and backgrounds. These gatherings provide valuable networking opportunities, allowing employees to connect with fellow participants, trainers, industry experts, and potential collaborators. Networking can lead to knowledge sharing, future partnerships, and career advancement opportunities.
  • Igniting Potential: Attending external sessions can reignite enthusiasm, boost motivation, and foster a culture of continuous learning within the organization. Participants are exposed to new ideas, success stories, and personal development opportunities, which help organizations drive revenue and growth. In fact, research by IBM found a 10% productivity increase when a team is well-trained. This leads to a 22% faster rollout of new business processes and products. Learning from external experts inspires employees to stay curious, adapt to change, and strive for excellence.

Maximizing the Value of External Training:

Leveraging external training opportunities not only enriches the skill sets of participants but also enhances organizational adaptability and innovation. To make the most of external training opportunities, consider the following best practices:

  • Alignment with Organizational Goals: Start by understanding your organization’s objectives and selecting external training programs that seamlessly fit into its strategic framework. Identify key aims and assess how training initiatives can advance them. Then, seek out programs that directly resonate with these objectives, ensuring that the training content is tailored to bolster business expansion, enhance employee performance, and fortify overall success. Forbes encourages business leaders to answer three critical questions prior to choosing an external training program:
    • What is most valuable to your organization? 
    • What is stopping or slowing the flow of operations?
    • How do you ensure the quality of your product or processes? 

By identifying their organization’s overarching objectives and pinpointing obstacles, leaders can opt for external training programs that foster unity and empower team members to elevate their operations to new heights.

  • Customization: Whether training is provided by internal or external programs, it must be customized to effectively address the specific needs and challenges of your organization. By tailoring examples, case studies, and exercises to resonate with your team members, you can maximize the relevance and impact of the training initiatives. This personalized approach ensures that participants can directly apply the acquired knowledge and skills to real-world scenarios encountered within the organization. Customization also fosters greater engagement and buy-in from participants, as they see the direct relevance of the training to their roles and responsibilities.
  • Feedback and Evaluation: According to Statista Research Department, corporate training expenditure in the United States increased by $200 million dollars in 2023 when compared to2022. Each year, U.S. businesses collectively spend more than $80 billion on training their employees, and global spending on training and development has increased by 400% in 11 years. However, it’s not just about how much money you spend; what matters is how effective your training is and how well your employees receive it. Regularly assessing the impact of external training is essential for ensuring its effectiveness and relevance to the organization’s goals. By systematically gathering feedback from participants, you can gain valuable insights into the strengths and areas for improvement of the training programs. Additionally, measuring the application of newly acquired skills in the workplace provides tangible evidence of the training’s efficacy. This data-driven approach enables you to identify any gaps between training outcomes and organizational objectives, allowing for timely adjustments and refinements to future training initiatives.
  • Integration with Internal Programs: Blending external and internal training seamlessly creates a comprehensive and interconnected learning ecosystem that leverages the strengths of both approaches. Therefore, Training Industry recommends that leaders consider a hybrid approach where in-house trainers collaborate with external training delivery partners. By integrating external expertise with internal resources, organizations can offer a diverse range of learning opportunities that cater to different learning styles and preferences. This blended approach ensures that team members receive well-rounded training that combines the specialized knowledge offered by external trainers with the organizational context and culture provided by internal programs. Fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing between internal and external trainers also facilitates the transfer of skills and insights across the entire workforce.


As we reflect on the remarkable evolution of corporate training — and acknowledge its crucial role in fostering organizational excellence — it becomes increasingly evident that maintaining this positive momentum requires steadfast dedication. This commitment involves investing in a wide array of diverse and enriching learning experiences. External training programs not only enhance individual skill sets but also strengthen collective competencies and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement within organizations. Therefore, it is imperative that we persist in prioritizing and allocating resources toward the development of comprehensive training initiatives tailored to the diverse needs and aspirations of our workforce. By doing so, we not only position ourselves to reach even greater heights of success but also to thrive amidst the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the future.


Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? Unlock a world of possibilities by actively engaging in partnerships with external training providers like JHMA. Explore our course catalog to discover tailored professional development programs that align seamlessly with your strategic goals. Whether you’re looking to improve workplace communications, cultivate leadership abilities, or spark innovation, our comprehensive programs cater to a multitude of organizational needs and aspirations.