The Power of Diversity in Training: How External Programs Broaden Perspectives

By Malcolm L. Miles, CEO

Diversity in training fuels innovation, creativity, and organizational growth. As more professionals pursue personal development and skill refinement, organizations are tasked with delivering effective training programs that accommodate different learning styles and preferences. Consequently, diversity plays an important role in shaping perspectives, nurturing critical thinking, and driving positive change within the organizational framework. This article will explore the transformative potential of diverse training inputs, with a particular focus on those facilitated by external programs.     

Choosing the appropriate training style is essential for maximizing the impact of professional development. Diversity in training not only engages participants but also boosts knowledge retention and facilitates the application of newly acquired skills. By adapting to various learning preferences and addressing individual needs, leaders ensure inclusivity and effectiveness in the professional development programs provided. Organizations that embrace diverse training approaches and external perspectives unleash a powerful force — one that drives you and your team members toward innovation, resilience, and a profound understanding of the world.

The Impact of External Training Programs

External training programs serve as a conduit for innovative ideas and methodologies. They introduce employees to a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills, significantly enhancing their problem-solving capabilities and creativity. According to Training Industry, external professional development training can help individuals and organizations identify blind spots, offer fresh insights and avoid internal biases that might exist with in-house trainers

Benefits of Diverse Training Inputs

Diverse training inputs are instrumental in promoting creativity, innovation, and improved problem-solving within organizations. These inputs facilitate better communication and collaboration, which are crucial for high-functioning teams. By developing a hybrid solution that blends internal resources with content and features from one or more third-party learning providers, organizations provide an optimal upskilling solution.

Integrating External Programs into Corporate Training

The integration of external training programs into a corporate training strategy can be transformative. It involves identifying organizational needs and selecting external programs that align with these objectives. Overcoming common challenges, such as budget constraints, requires strategic planning and resource allocation. Forbes offers insights into successful integration strategies that maximize the benefits of diverse training inputs.

Catering to Diverse Learning Preferences 

Within any organization, leaders and team members demonstrate varied learning styles — some thrive in interactive workshops, while others gravitate toward hands-on activities or multimedia presentations. By thoughtfully aligning the training style with participants’ individual preferences, organizations achieve a dual goal: maximizing active participation and fostering involvement. Engaged participants actively contribute to discussions, absorb information, and retain knowledge more effectively. 

  • Improving Knowledge Retention: Effective training styles optimize knowledge retention. Visual learners benefit from multimedia presentations, while experiential learners thrive in hands-on scenarios. By tailoring the style to suit participants’ preferences, organizations ensure that information is absorbed and retained for the long term.
  • Promoting Skill Application: Training should go beyond theoretical knowledge. Practical exercises, simulations, and real-world examples allow participants to apply newly acquired skills. Whether it’s practicing negotiation techniques or mastering software tools, hands-on training enables effective skill transfer to daily tasks.
  • Addressing Diverse Learning Needs: Participants come from diverse backgrounds, with varying levels of knowledge and experience. The right training style accommodates these differences. Offering self-paced e-learning, collaborative group activities, and personalized coaching ensures inclusivity and meets diverse learning needs.

The Role of Cultural Diversity in Training

Cultural diversity in training enriches the learning experience, expanding participants’ cultural awareness and global competence. According to the World Economic Forum, cultural diversity is a key driver of innovation and economic growth, making it an indispensable component of effective training programs.

The Role of External Programs in Broadening Perspectives

While internal training programs are valuable, external programs offer unique advantages. They broaden perspectives in the following ways: 

  •  Exposure to New Perspectives: While encountering perspectives that challenge our beliefs and way of seeing things can create discomfort, these experiences are critical to personal growth. The absence of such experiences can impede our ability to develop and learn. This is where external programs step in — exposing participants to fresh viewpoints, trends, and approaches that may not be prevalent within the organization. Whether attending industry conferences, participating in cross-company workshops, or collaborating with experts from other fields, you and your team members encounter diverse ideas. These encounters spark curiosity, ignite creativity, and expand mental horizons. 
    • For instance, a marketing team attending an external branding conference gains insights from professionals across sectors. They learn about unconventional storytelling techniques, sustainable marketing practices, and emerging consumer behaviors. Armed with these diverse perspectives, they return to their organization with innovative strategies that resonate with a broader audience.
  • Breaking Echo Chambers: Internal training programs sometimes suffer from groupthink and echo chambers — repetitive discussions and familiar viewpoints. External programs disrupt this pattern by introducing fresh voices. When team members engage with external trainers, consultants, or thought leaders, they encounter novel frameworks, research findings, and case studies. These encounters challenge assumptions, encourage critical thinking, and prevent stagnation.
    • Imagine an IT team grappling with cybersecurity challenges. An external expert shares insights from the finance industry, highlighting parallels between data breaches and financial fraud. Suddenly, the team sees their work through a different lens. They adapt risk management practices, collaborate with legal experts, and fortify their defenses — all because of an external perspective.
  • Fostering Innovation: Innovation thrives at the intersection of diverse ideas. External programs inject this diversity. When team members attend hackathons, industry panels, or interdisciplinary workshops, they engage with professionals from a variety of backgrounds. These interactions spark cross-pollination of ideas, ultimately leading to breakthroughs.
    • For instance, a product development team collaborates with designers, psychologists, and environmental scientists during an external innovation summit. Together, they reimagine packaging materials, considering sustainability, aesthetics, and user experience. The result? A game-changing eco-friendly packaging solution that aligns with consumer values.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Diverse Training Programs

The effectiveness of diverse training programs can be measured through various metrics, including employee performance and engagement levels. Shahan Syed, a product marketing manager at Hygraph, emphasizes the importance of collecting data and sharing results to ensure that training objectives are met and that the programs deliver tangible benefits to the organization.

JHMA’s Approach to Diverse Training

JHMA stands at the forefront of providing diverse training solutions, offering courses that cater to a wide array of learning needs. With both exclusive and open enrollment options, JHMA ensures that participants can access the training that best suits their individual and organizational needs. Explore JHMA’s diverse training opportunities here.



Training styles and external programs clearly play an important role in shaping the trajectory of organizational growth and development. They act as engines, driving companies toward increased productivity, innovation, and adaptability. External programs, in particular, contribute significantly to this transformative journey by bringing in a wealth of diverse perspectives, disrupting conventional paradigms, and creating a culture of collaboration and lifelong learning. By embracing these diverse perspectives, organizations can unlock a wealth of creativity and problem-solving capabilities, ensuring their continued growth and success in a competitive global market. 

Embrace the power of diversity in training with JHMA’s comprehensive course offerings. Whether you prefer exclusive enrollment for tailored training solutions or open enrollment for a broader learning experience, our extensive catalog has something for everyone. Visit JHMA’s course offerings today and unlock the potential of your workforce through diverse training inputs.