Skill-Development Coaching

By Malcolm L. Miles, CEO
Skill Development Photo


In a world full of celebrities, wealthy entrepreneurs, and leading executives, it is easy to become so enamored by their accomplishments that we sometimes fail to recognize the amount of effort it took to get them to where they are. In actuality, successful businesses and careers are built upon information, insight, and continual skill development. What we mistakenly see as luck or natural talent is really the result of years of diligence and hard work.

To provide opportunities for greater personal and professional growth, JHMA offers skill development coaching for every subject listed within our course catalog. After signing up for a customized, one-on-one session, each individual is paired with an experienced information expert who will provide ongoing, focused attention on particular development skills.

Skill development coaching has been shown to improve productivity and employee engagement, increase confidence and retention, and guide employees as they progress on their personal and professional paths. By working with one of our subject matter experts, participants will learn how to build relationships, bridge the gaps, and develop the skills they need to not only succeed within their current roles but to also advance in their careers.

Delivery Method:


Video Teleconference


3, 6, and 12– month contracts


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