Innovative Training Techniques: How External Programs Like JHMA Enhance Traditional Training Models

By Malcolm L. Miles, CEO

Amidst the backdrop of post-pandemic corporate America, perpetual change reigns supreme. Organizations continue to grapple with the challenge of equipping their leaders and teams with relevant skills, knowledge, and insights. Although traditional internal training models hold merit, they frequently struggle to keep pace with rapid developments. This is precisely where external training companies such as JH Miles and Associates (JHMA) step in, bringing a fresh perspective and research-proven strategies to the table. In this article, we will take a look at the innovative strategies that JHMA champions and how they seamlessly complement existing training frameworks. From peer-to-peer learning to gamification, let’s unravel the future of corporate training. 

Peer-to-Peer Training:

Peer-to-peer training involves the exchange of knowledge and skills among colleagues of similar levels within an organization. It supplements conventional professional development methods by tapping into the existing knowledge base and expertise within the organization. JHMA acknowledges the importance of this approach, allowing experienced team members to mentor and support their peers. According to Harvard Business Review, “Peer-to-peer learning creates a space where the learner can feel safe taking these risks without a sense that their boss is evaluating their performance while they are learning.” By sharing practical insights, best practices, and real-life experiences, peer-to-peer training cultivates a collaborative learning atmosphere. In our courses, participants benefit from each other’s experiences, expertise, and viewpoints. This is facilitated through activities such as small group discussions, back teaching, peer evaluations, interactive polls, surveys, and collaborative exercises.

Virtual and Technology-Based Learning:

Providing both in-person and virtual training sessions, our instructors adeptly utilize technology to deliver impactful learning experiences. The post-pandemic work environment is characterized by widespread remote work, collaborative forums, and eLearning, which have all become standard practices for several reasons:

  • Flexibility and Individualization: Incorporating virtual training into JHMA’s offerings brings forth a host of benefits, notably flexibility and individualization. With this approach, leaders and team members have the opportunity to engage in learning from the comfort of their own homes. This setup caters to diverse learning styles and preferences, allowing individuals to tailor their learning experiences to align with their unique needs. An article from Reworked explains, “Better access to training for distributed teams can improve workplace productivity and flexibility, forge and strengthen team bonds, and increase opportunities for upward mobility, all of which benefit employees and employers alike.” Whether it’s selecting the most conducive learning environment or accessing supplementary resources at their convenience, participants can truly personalize their learning journey in ways that may not be feasible within traditional face-to-face settings. This flexibility fosters a sense of empowerment and autonomy, enabling individuals to maximize their learning potential while accommodating their busy schedules and personal commitments. Additionally, the ability to access training materials remotely promotes inclusivity, ensuring that all members of the organization, regardless of geographical location or scheduling constraints, have equal access to professional development opportunities. Thus, by embracing virtual training, we not only adapt to the concept of remote work but also prioritize the diverse learning needs of our participants, ultimately fostering a culture of continuous growth and development within our organizations.
  • Scalability and Cost-Effectiveness: The adoption of eLearning and remote work strategies presents a significant departure from traditional classroom-based training and office-centric work environments. By removing the need for physical classrooms or office spaces, organizations stand to benefit from substantial reductions in overhead costs. However, this financial advantage extends beyond merely saving on rent and utilities; it encompasses a broader spectrum of expenses associated with maintaining physical infrastructure, such as furnishings, equipment, and maintenance. The scalability inherent in virtual learning is also a key asset for organizations seeking to efficiently disseminate knowledge and skills across a broad audience. Unlike conventional training methods that may be constrained by the limitations of physical space and resources, eLearning platforms, such as those offered by JHMA, offer the capacity to accommodate large numbers of learners simultaneously. This scalability empowers organizations to expand their training initiatives without the logistical challenges and expenses typically associated with traditional classroom-based approaches. 
  • Data-Driven Insights: The utilization of Learning Management Systems (LMS) in modern training initiatives brings forth a wealth of benefits, among which lies the capability to harness data-driven insights to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of training programs. This analytical approach revolutionizes the way organizations assess the effectiveness and success of their training endeavors. By leveraging data collected through LMS platforms, organizations gain valuable insights into various aspects of their training programs. This includes metrics such as learner engagement, completion rates, assessment scores, and participation levels. Armed with this data, organizations can accurately quantify the impact of their training initiatives and determine whether they are achieving the desired outcomes. Data-driven insights obtained through LMS platforms also facilitate continuous improvement and optimization of training programs over time. By analyzing trends and patterns in learner behavior and performance, organizations can identify areas for enhancement and implement targeted interventions to address gaps and shortcomings.

Simulation and Gamification:

JHMA’s curriculum developers frequently integrate simulations and gamified elements into our training approach due to their significant impact on improving learning outcomes. For instance, a study from the University of Colorado revealed that individuals exposed to gamification outperformed their counterparts in assessments measuring factual knowledge and practical skills. Incorporating gamified elements in workplace settings also led to enhanced retention rates. These findings can be attributed to the fact that simulations offer a realistic environment for participants to refine their abilities without the pressures of real-world repercussions. Retention also improved when gamification was used in the workplace. This is in part because simulations provide a realistic setting where participants can sharpen their skills without facing real-life consequences. This enables them to engage in repeated practice and experimentation, which ultimately results in enhanced skill acquisition and boosted confidence. On the other hand, gamification introduces fun elements of competition, achievement, and rewards, which have been proven to heighten engagement and motivation. By incorporating features such as interactive quizzes, challenges, points, and rewards, participants are motivated to actively engage and strive for mastery. The combination of simulators and gamified components creates an immersive and highly effective learning experience that fosters skill development and retention.

Role-Playing and Scenario-Based Learning:

Role-playing serves as an immersive learning technique that fully engages participants in hypothetical scenarios. At JHMA, we meticulously design this approach to provide participants with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in problem-solving contexts. For example, customer service representatives may be immersed in role-play scenarios that simulate challenging customer interactions, providing them with a platform to significantly enhance their conflict resolution skills. By actively participating in such simulations, they bolster their ability to navigate complex situations and gain invaluable experience in real-world scenarios. Participants are also encouraged to interact with the content as opposed to passively consuming it, thereby fostering a more confident and proficient workforce. This hands-on approach to learning not only deepens understanding but also cultivates a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, ultimately leading to enhanced performance and customer satisfaction.

Microlearning and Bite-Sized Content:

According to a study conducted by Microsoft Corporation, people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, highlighting the effects of an increasingly digitalized lifestyle on the brain. These results differed from the company’s original findings in 2000, when the average attention span was 12 seconds. While this is a shocking statistic, JHMA understands the underlying lesson in this research, and we have adjusted our courses accordingly. For instance, our curriculum developers incorporate bite-sized modules to cover topics such as active listening, effective communication techniques, and time-management strategies. When complex concepts are broken down into smaller, digestible chunks, participants can quickly grasp essential information without feeling overwhelmed. This approach not only accommodates shorter attention spans but also promotes retention and application of knowledge in the workplace. As a result, our training programs are tailored to suit the fast-paced nature of modern work environments, empowering participants to continuously develop their skills and stay ahead in their roles. 

Assessments and Feedback:

JHMA firmly upholds the belief that assessments and feedback play an integral role in enriching professional development experiences and guaranteeing optimal learning outcomes. We also believe it is imperative for both to be conducted in real-time throughout the training sessions to accurately gauge participants’ comprehension and progress. Assessments and feedback are essential components of our professional development courses for many reasons:

  • To Measure Progress: Assessments provide a quantifiable way to measure the progress and understanding of participants throughout the training program. They allow instructors and participants to track how well learning objectives are being met and identify areas that need improvement.
  • To Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Assessments help identify the strengths and weaknesses of individuals. This information allows developers to tailor the training content to better suit the needs of participants and focus on areas where improvement is needed.
  • To Provide Motivation: Feedback, especially constructive feedback, serves as motivation for participants to continue engaging with the training material and striving for improvement. Positive feedback reinforces good performance, while constructive criticism helps individuals understand where they need to focus their efforts.
  • To Enhance and Reinforce Learning: Assessments and feedback facilitate active learning by encouraging participants to reflect on their performance and understanding of the material. Through self-assessment and feedback from trainers or peers, participants can deepen their understanding of the content and identify areas for further exploration.
  • To Promote Accountability: Assessments hold participants accountable for their learning progress and encourage them to take ownership of their professional development. Knowing that they will be evaluated on their understanding and application of the material motivates individuals to actively engage with the course content.
  • To Validate Learning Outcomes: Assessments serve to validate the attainment of learning objectives. Through showcasing mastery of the material in assessments, participants not only receive acknowledgment for their achievements but also cultivate a profound sense of accomplishment.


As you can see, JHMA presents a diverse array of innovative methodologies that serve as invaluable assets in the realm of corporate training. Through the seamless integration of these strategies into existing frameworks, organizations can foster the development of highly adaptable, skilled, and motivated workforces, poised to excel at every level. By leveraging these cutting-edge approaches, companies can not only address current challenges effectively but also prepare their teams to navigate future complexities with confidence and proficiency, ultimately positioning themselves for sustained success and growth.

Now is your chance to establish and maintain a culture of continuous learning within your organization. By embracing this opportunity, you can empower your teams, drive strategic development, and create an environment where growth and knowledge-sharing flourish. Take advantage of collaborative partnerships with external training partners such as JHMA. Browse our extensive course catalog to discover how these initiatives can supercharge your strategic development objectives and infuse your organization with a vibrant culture of learning.