Bridging the Skills Gap: The Importance of Ongoing Training

By Malcolm L. Miles, CEO
Bridging the Skills Gap: The Importance of Ongoing Training

Over the past few years, technological advancements, an increase in remote work, and economic challenges have led to notable transformations in the workforce, consequently altering the types of skills sought out by employers. Unfortunately, many job seekers are lacking the specific skills necessary to meet the new demands. This problem is known as the skills gap, a challenge faced by employers and job seekers alike. In this article, we will be addressing the issue of the skills gap and examining how JHMA’s training programs can play a pivotal role in bridging this gap.

Understanding the Skills Gap

  • Definition: The skills gap refers to a fundamental mismatch between the abilities and competencies that employers expect from their employees and the actual skills possessed by job candidates.
  • Impact: As industries transform and technology advances, the demand for specific skills outpaces the supply of qualified workers. Educational institutions often struggle to keep up with industry changes, leading to a gap between graduates’ skills and employers’ requirements. As a result, employers struggle to find appropriately trained workers, leading to unfilled positions and potential economic losses.
  • Statistics: According to the fourth skills gap study launched by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, approximately 2.4 million positions in manufacturing alone will remain unfilled through 2028 due to the skills gap, with a potential impact of $2.5 trillion.
  • Challenges: Organizations face a multitude of hurdles, ranging from the recruitment of qualified candidates for open positions to escalating expenses related to recruitment and training. Challenges such as decreased productivity and the need for retraining skilled employees further complicate matters. At the same time, many individuals are struggling to secure employment or advance in their careers without the necessary skills, which has led to underemployment and stalled professional growth.

How JHMA Can Help Bridge the Gap

Our one-on-one coaching sessions, open enrollment courses, and extensive catalog of professional development programs play a crucial role in bridging the skills gap. Here’s how:

  • Executive Coaching: JHMA’s executive coaching programs are carefully designed to provide executives with the tools they need to identify their own blind spots and overcome obstacles that hinder optimal performance. Through a combination of deep exploration and a detailed action plan, our coaches guide executives to gain a profound understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, goals, and aspirations. By partnering with an executive coach, executives can benefit from self-reflection and exploration, feedback and growth, customized action plans, and lasting change.
  • Skill-Development Coaching: Our skill development coaching programs provide employees with the opportunity to work closely with consultants who have experience in a particular subject area and can guide them toward excellence. Through skill-development coaching, individuals benefit from personalized attention, focused learning, and continuous professional growth.
  • Skill Enhancement: Professional development programs allow participants to acquire new skills and update existing ones. Whether through face-to-face workshops, virtual training, or open enrollment courses, ongoing training ensures that leaders and team members stay relevant in their roles. These programs focus on providing practical, hands-on experience aligned with the organization’s specific needs.
  • Adaptability: As technology evolves, businesses, government agencies, and other professional organizations must adapt. By collaborating with JHMA, leaders and employers ensure that their curriculum remains relevant and up-to-date. Our training sessions equip participants with the knowledge and tools to embrace new technologies and work processes.
  • Retention and Engagement: Attracting and retaining talent has always been important, but it has become an increasingly critical business strategy due to labor shortages. The S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released findings in late December 2022, revealing a staggering 11 million job openings. This number demonstrates why it is essential for companies to focus on engaging and retaining talent. Employees who participate in professional development programs not only feel more engaged and supported, but they also gain skills that make them more efficient and effective in their roles. This, in turn, boosts retention rates and overall job satisfaction.
  • Closing Specific Gaps: Upon identifying specific skills gaps within their department or organization, leaders and employers can turn to JHMA to customize training programs accordingly. For instance, if team members face challenges with effective communication or interpersonal skills, a customized program could incorporate a workshop dedicated to improving verbal and written communication, conflict resolution training, or leadership development.
  • Upskilling: Upskilling involves improving or expanding your existing skills to keep pace with industry trends and job requirements. For example, if an organization’s customer service representatives are struggling with active listening and empathy during customer interactions, JHMA can offer upskilling programs that focus on effective communication, emotional intelligence, or conflict resolution training. As a result, the representatives become more adept at understanding customer needs, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  • Reskilling: Reskilling involves learning an entirely new set of skills, often to transition into a different role or adapt to industry shifts. For instance, a company may need assistance with transitioning traditional salespeople to digital marketing. JHMA would then develop a reskilling program based on those specific needs. Training focused on the basics of social media marketing and SEO fundamentals would help participants successfully transition to digital marketing roles, contributing to the company’s online presence.

Benefits of Working with JHMA

Partnering with JHMA offers numerous benefits for organizations seeking to enhance the skills and capabilities of their leaders and team members:

  • Customized Programs: These programs offer significant advantages for participants and organizations alike. Because JHMA customizes training programs to meet specific needs and to match industry requirements, participants receive targeted content that directly addresses their skill gaps. This personalized approach enhances engagement, accelerates learning, and ensures practical application of knowledge. For organizations, customized courses lead to a more skilled workforce, improved productivity, and better alignment with business objectives.
  • Interactive Courses: By actively engaging participants, instructors at JHMA create a dynamic learning environment. Participants don’t passively absorb information; they actively participate through discussions, simulations, role-playing, and hands-on exercises. This engagement enhances understanding and retention. Experiential sessions allow participants to apply concepts immediately, whether solving case studies, practicing skills, or collaborating in group exercises. The real-world application fosters impactful skill development and ensures practical insights that learners can use on the job.
  • Access to Expertise: When organizations form partnerships with an established provider like JHMA, they unlock a wealth of benefits that contribute to their growth and success. These partnerships grant access to outside expertise — experts who understand industry nuances, market trends, and emerging technologies. Consequently, organizations adopt industry best practices, avoiding costly trial-and-error, and ultimately driving progress and innovation.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Collaborating with JHMA offers several cost-saving advantages as our tailored programs eliminate the need for extensive in-house development of training curricula and materials. Because crafting professional development and training courses demands proficiency in instructional design — a skill that may be absent among in-house trainers — establishing and nurturing a comprehensive in-house training team can incur significant expenses. This is especially true as the retention of top-performing team members has become imperative due to current economic downturns.
  • Prevention of Burnout: Resource and time constraints can also lead to burnout. In-house trainers frequently juggle multiple responsibilities beyond training, making it challenging to dedicate the substantial time and effort necessary for developing and delivering effective training programs, especially during periods of high activity. The ongoing struggle to balance training responsibilities with regular job duties can result in insufficient time and attention devoted to training, potentially leading to trainer burnout and a decrease in productivity.
  • Lifelong Learning: Partnering with JHMA is a strategic move that fosters lifelong learning within organizations. While in-house training teams play a vital role, collaborating with external experts offers unique advantages such as access to industry experts and high-quality training resources. Our instructors bring specialized knowledge, staying abreast of industry trends and best practices. Their varied perspectives and skills enrich the learning experience by injecting fresh insights, challenging existing norms, and encouraging innovation. Furthermore, our scalability ensures seamless learning delivery during growth or seasonal demands. Ultimately, partnership with JHMA bridges gaps, enhances skills, and empowers participants on their lifelong learning journey.

The skills gap remains a critical challenge in today’s rapidly evolving workforce. As technological advancements reshape industries and economic dynamics shift, employers increasingly seek specific competencies that job seekers often lack. This mismatch results in unfilled positions, economic losses, and hindered productivity. JHMA’s training programs offer a promising solution. By addressing skill gaps through customized courses, upskilling, and reskilling initiatives, organizations can bridge this divide. As we continue to face a number of post pandemic challenges, investing in continuous learning becomes essential, ensuring both individual career growth and organizational success.